In all cases, individuals wishing to receive teacher certification must submit to state and federal fingerprinting as well as background checks. Secondary Teacher Salary: $49,790Vacation Weeks Per Year: 15 Teacher salaries were provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May … Alabama teacher candidates also take Praxis subject assessments. Individual districts may have more stringent education requirements than the state minimum of a high school diploma. Receive your Class B Professional Alabama Teacher Certificate upon successful completion of all requirements. Alabama Teacher Reciprocity Agreements Reciprocity agreements are one avenue current teachers from other states (and some Canadian provinces) may go down that lead to certification in Alabama. All prospective teachers in Alabama must hold at least a bachelor’s degree and complete an approved educator preparation program to become certified to teach. No data to display Loading… Certificate Details: You may search by TCH Number or by entering data in multiple search fields. Applicants will need to have background checks carried out by the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation and the FBI. Here you will find options for Alabama certification. Teaching Certification Renewal. TEACHER CERTIFICATION . Passing edTPA® score from Pearson (for initial teacher certification only). If you already have a bachelor’s degree in a field outside of education, explore our guide to alternative teacher certification in Alabama to learn more about your options. Question: How can you become a substitute teacher in Alabama? The first exam, the Alabama Educator Certification T… Important: TEST CHANGES and SCORE INCREASES are effective for tests taken and applications received in the Educator Certification Section of the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) on or after September 1, 2020. Learn how to become an Administrator or Principal in Alabama. Home > All States and Cities > Alabama Online Education > Alabama Teaching Certification. Thousands of Happy Teachers “I had always dreamed of becoming a teacher, but never thought it was possible with three kids and a full-time job. Candidates may earn advanced certificates, known as Class A certificates, by earning a master’s degree. The Educator Certification Office is organized into three areas: Educational Preparation Programs (EPP), Graduation, and Certification. Cert. Alabama State Department of Education...Educator Certification is responsible for ensuring that academic requirements for certification approaches are met, background clearance requirements for professional and support staff are satisfied, and that all test requirements are met for issuance of … Educator Certification - ALSDE. Once the application is processed by the Office of Student Services, it typically takes 6-8 weeks before you will receive your teaching certificate from the State of Alabama. Online Alabama Teacher Certification. Alabama Substitute Teacher Certification Resources. General academic assessments and subject area assessments are computer-delivered. Choral Music (P-12) Print NOTE ... Maiden Name: Birth Year (YYYY): TCH Number: SSN: Search. You can view a list of approved programs through the department’s website. Information about requirements is available from the Department of Education and from ETS ( A background check is also required. Options depend on the particular certificate sought. Alabama Teacher Certification – Testing Exceptions. An asterisk (*) denotes a two-year or certificate program in education. Candidates should be prepared for multiple assessments. There are differences, however, in its implementation ( 129 schools are tribally controlled under P.L. However, students who are enrolled in Alabama Class A master’s programs may receive credentials authorizing them to serve as teachers while meeting program requirements. Reciprocity agreements are one avenue current teachers from other states (and some Canadian provinces) may go down that lead to certification in Alabama. Alabama Art Teacher Certification and Job Requirements. Educator Certification is responsible for ensuring that academic requirements for certification approaches are met, background clearance requirements for professional and support staff are satisfied, and that all test requirements are met for issuance of certificates. The APTTP is a statewide testing program to ensure new teachers are proficient in 3 basic skill areas - Mathematics, Reading, and Writing- as well as any prescribed subject or intructional support areas (e.g. Teacher Experience. In 2012 Alabama schools graduated seventy-two percent of its student population. Projections estimate that there will be 1,840 average annual job openings for elementary school teachers, 690 average annual job annual openings for middle school teachers, and 930 average annual job openings for secondary school teachers in Alabama from 2016 to 2026.1 Visit the Alabama Education Association for the latest news on issues impacting teachers in the state and further information about what it’s like to teach in Alabama. Answer: Alabama reports teacher shortages in mathematics, science, language arts, and special education for the 2020-21 school year.5, References: 1. There are some other qualifying certificates, including most P-12 special education classifications. Alabama Teacher Certification Renewal Ceu - 11/2020 Save View Schools Certified Driver's Ed Teacher Career Overview. They will take some required courses along the way. Elementary, early childhood, and special education pathways are relatively limited. They take a series of very varied assessments. 100-297 Tribally controlled Grant Schools Act. The ALSDE requires teachers to have completed a bachelor’s degree and a teacher preparation program, which can be done concurrently at select institutions. Schools offering educator preparation programs, especially those located outside of Alabama, should be in good standing with one of the six regional accrediting bodies. Question: Is there a teacher shortage in Alabama? Middle School Mathematics 2. Early childhood and P-3 and elementary education K-6, for example, can only be added by teachers who already possess a qualifying certificate. Out-of-state certification forms and supplemental forms are available for download ( While a two-year degree will not qualify graduates for teacher certification, it can be a good starting point for a teaching career. The Bureau of Indian Education oversees a total of 183 elementary, secondary, residential, and peripheral dormitories across 23 states. ADMINISTRATIVE CODE . The initial and standard certificate issued once the basic requirements for a teaching license are met is the Professional Educator Certificate (Class B). In a new plan known as Alabama 2020; Alabama schools now seek to raise the graduation rate to ninety percent by the year 2020. Certification Step-by-Step Click to jump to section Alabama Highlights Avg. Teacher Certification Degrees receives a marketing fee from companies working with colleges and universities that are presented with our "Find Schools" buttons. Teaching and Leading in Alabama. Elementary (Grades K-6) 3. Average Growth in Teaching Jobs in Alabama through 20261. President, Alabama Association of Agricultural Education. Online To become a certified teacher in Alabama, you will need to fulfill these requirements: Step One: Complete a bachelor's degree and other prerequisite coursework required. Provisionally credentialed teachers will receive mentorship as they prepare for performance assessment and full credentialing. In all cases, individuals wishing to receive teacher certification must submit to state and federal fingerprinting as well as background checks. Teaching Certification Renewal. These tests are important components of Alabama's licensure and certification process and include: Praxis ® Subject Assessments — tests that measure general and subject-specific content knowledge that you need for … College of Education & Professional Studies University of South Alabama University Commons 3360 Mobile, AL 36688 Ph: (251) 380-2889 Fax: (251) 380-2748 . CAEP accreditation is held as a marker of quality teacher preparation that is recognized throughout the education sector. The licensing authority notes that an earlier Praxis basic skills test, the Pre-Professional Skills Test, is no longer accepted. Reciprocity is granted to teachers who hold current certification in other states as well as those certified by U.S. territories or by the Department of Defense Education Activity. The list below are states that currently have reciprocity agreements with Alabama for various levels of teaching and administrative certifications. Any negative history, as they define it, may jeopardize your ability to teach and / or be employed. The minimum requirement to qualify for alternative teacher certification in Alabama is a bachelors degree. Prior to qualifying for Alabama teaching certification, you will need to pass the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program or APTTP. Elementary Teacher Salary: $49,040Avg. Candidates who wish to obtain Alabama teacher certification must take two tests. Secondary Teacher Salary: $49,790Vacation Weeks Per Year: 15 Teacher salaries were provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May 2015 Occupational Employment Statistics report. Submit an application with required documentation, including official transcripts and verification of test scores through the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program and Praxis. General testing information for all applicants may be found in the Overview of Alabama Testing Requirements.. Visit the Educator Certification Section for information regarding these certification approaches.. Alabama teaching certifications are awarded based on a formal degree program followed by testing and character investigation. Certification Step-by-Step Click to jump to section Alabama Highlights Avg. Through this program, candidates earn a three-year teaching certification that is the first step toward permanent certification. Typically this is something related. The Alabama Department of Education oversees the teacher certification process. Most full-time licensed teachers will need to complete a Praxis exam or at the least the Core Academic Skills for Educators exams. The Teacher Certification Reciprocity Guide What Is Teacher Certification Reciprocity? Early Childhood (Preschool-Grade 3) 2. Driver's Ed Teacher Certification in Alabama. Lic. Teaching Issues: At Risk Boys and Gender Equity, Becoming a Bilingual Special Education Teacher. Assessments are designed to measure academic skills, knowledge of the particular subject area, and actual teaching ability. While an Alabama teacher can complete quite a few steps of certification online, there will be times when going to a location in person will also be necessary. The new approach will recruit new candidates into teaching and help those candidates earn their Alabama Class B Professional Certificate. Here you will find options for Alabama certification. The Alabama licensing authority will look for a minimum of nine semester hours of graduate credit. Middle School Grades 4-8) 4. Applicants must possess a Bachelor's degree from an approved institution earned by September 1 st if the ABC is to be valid from the previous July 1 st.. Our mission is to undergraduate and graduate students in educational opportunities toward the completion of baccalaureate and graduate degree programs at Alabama State University. This path may be referred to as Provisional Certification in the Teaching Field. To keep this certificate valid and active, candidates must “continue” the certificate or it will expire and become invalid. Question: I want to teach in Alabama, but I do not have a bachelor’s degree in education – what do I do? A candidate who passed all portions of the ACT WorkKeys assessment before September 1, 2017 can be exempted from taking the Core, though this option will eventually expire. There have been changes to Alabama teacher preparation standards in recent years. Teaching in a K-12 public school and in many private K-12 schools requires active Alabama educator certification. Alabama Substitute Teacher Certification Resources. Subject area testing will be provided through the Praxis II subject assessment examinations. AL ADC 290-3-2-.20 Source 1 Source 2: Does the state have different requirements in place for experienced and inexperienced out-of-state teachers? Certain prerequisites must be met. The licensing authority may accept other equivalent subject assessments from reciprocity candidates. The State Department of Education has provided links to edTPA resources ( The standard path to earning teacher certification in Alabama is to attend a four-year bachelor’s degree program that includes an approved educator preparation program. Territories, or the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) as the basis to offer professional certification in Alabama. All prospective teachers in Alabama must hold at least a bachelors degree and complete an approved educator preparation program to become certified to teach. The State of Alabama, as well as school districts, will conduct a background check before you are certified and allowed to teach. Alabama State Department of Education Educator Certification Section PO Box 302101 Montgomery, AL 36130-2101. You can view the required Praxis II exam(s) through the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Proposed changes can be found in the State Board of Education (SBOE) Administrative Code section of the website ( There are 1,513 public schools in Alabama, with an estimated 744,930 students enrolled in the public school system according to 2016-2017 data.2 With an estimated 42,533 teachers, this provides a state average student-to-teacher ratio of 17:1.2 The average annual salary is $49,850 for elementary teachers, $50,210 for middle school teachers, and $51,180 for secondary school teachers in Alabama.4. 93-638 Indian Self Determination Contracts or P.L. President, Alabama Conference of Educators. Candidates must also provide a Recommendation for Certification from the educator preparation program attended. The first exam, the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program: Basic Skills Assessment, measures competence in reading, writing, and mathematics. Teachers may add additional fields. A substitute license is only issued with the recommendation of the employing school district. Alabama teaching certifications are awarded based on a formal degree program followed by testing and character investigation. Secondary (Grades 6-12) 5. Alabama Teacher Reciprocity Agreements. Once the application is processed by the Office of Student Services, it typically takes 6-8 weeks before you will receive your teaching certificate from the State of Alabama. See the Alabama Department of Education website for more information and a list of institutions offering alternative teacher certification … The State Department of Education has provided detailed information about adding certification via testing ( I am in awe that I can … Teacher Certification Degrees » Teacher Certification Center » The Alabama Teaching and Certification Resource. To compare key metrics for these state-approved teacher preparation programs, use the sortable table on our Alabama schools page. The following are examples: 1. The most direct route to Alabama teacher certification is obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the desired certification area from a teacher education program at a college or university that has formal approval from the Alabama State Department of Education. This is a certificate to facilitate employment while completing an Alabama Program in certain teaching fields or areas of instructional support. Projections Central, Long Term Occupational Projections: 2. To renew a Professional Educator Certificate (valid for 5 years) that expires June 30 th, all requirements must be completed by September 1 st of the same calendar year. Alabama teacher candidates go through the Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program (AECAP). Educator Certification Options. › alabama teacher certification lookup › alabama teacher certificate renewal › alabama teacher certification renewal forms › alabama teacher certification renewal ceu › alabama teacher's certificate › alabama teaching certificate. The list below are states that currently have reciprocity agreements with Alabama for various levels of teaching and administrative certifications. Schools that do not hold accreditation from one of these six agencies will not qualify graduates for Alabama teacher licensure. The following are examples: The State Department of Education has provided a list of Alabama educator institutions ( Alabama awards alternate teaching certificationin the form of Provisional Certificates. Alabama Educator Preparation Institutions . Every teacher in Alabama must pass the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program (APTTP). Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of May 2018.4 *Data as of 2015.4. And your application must be received by the Teacher Education and Certification Office of the Alabama Department of Education no later than December 31 st of the same calendar year. Elementary-Secondary (P-12) Secondary, elementary-secondary, and middle school certificates are subject-specific. Answer: If you already have a bachelor’s degree that did not include teacher preparation, the next step towards teaching in Alabama is to complete an approved teacher preparation program. If you had a subject focus with your degree, you will also be tested on that focus. If … However, the academic coursework may be far less than it would be if candidates were enrolled in either traditional programs or master’s programs. Qualifying training may be pursued at the baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate level. An Alabama school district superintendent or administrator may request a Provisional Certificate in a Teaching Field (PCTF) for an individual who will be employed full-time in a teaching field during the completion of their requirements for a Class B Professional Educator Certificate in that specific field. A bachelor's degree in a discipline that meets the requirement for an Arts and Sciences major with a minimum of 32 semester hours in a teaching field, 19 of which must be upper division credit, is the requirement for a Class B certificate. Become a Teacher in Alabama - Certification Map. 290-3-2-.02 Basic Principles . Alabama Teachers allowed me to work at my own pace and truly helped me succeed. About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Terms of Use and Disclaimers, Alabama Alternative Teacher Certification, Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), guide to alternative teacher certification in Alabama, Alabama’s Alternative Certification Process and Programs, Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), Alabama State Department of Education website,,,, Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten and Elementary School, Middle School Teachers, Special Education, Secondary School Teachers, Special Education, Secondary School Teachers, Career/Technical Education. Yes. Alabama Teacher Certificate Search . To earn your teaching credential you will have to complete the appropriate amount of undergraduate coursework and standardized tests, as well as an accredited certification program. Answer: To become a substitute teacher in Alabama you must have a high school diploma, pass a background check, and receive a substitute license from the state. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2018 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, Alabama: 5. University of West Alabama Livingston, AL 35470 (888) 636-8800 Teacher certification reciprocity is a somewhat misleading term, as it is often interpreted as meaning that a teaching license issued in one state will be recognized by another state unconditionally. Alabama Teacher Certification – Testing. Submit to a background check and fingerprinting with the Alabama Bureau of Investigation and FBI. Candidates who have a bachelors degree can typically earn certification by attending an educator preparation program or by completing a masters degree in education. A masters degree in a teachable subject that includes an approved certification program can also meet certification requirements. 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