3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Crosslisted with MATH 7510 and ISYE 7510. Malware code can differ radically, and it's essential to know that malware can have many functionalities. Right-click a file in the table and select Analyze File. Generate a random key of 32 bytes with the function “CryptGenRandom”. Algorithms, software, and practical applications of visualization techniques in science, engineering, business, and medicine. level 2. Topics: Information processing, probabilistic analysis, portfolio construction, generation of market orders, KNN, random forests. Here is a small example of this information: It is not known if one person is behind the malware or not. CS 6452. Free training week — 700+ on-demand courses and hands-on labs. Topics to be covered in CS 6262 include: Introduction and review of networking and security basics; Large-scale attacks and impacts DDoS; Malware-based attacks, phishing/frauds, underground economy/infrastructures; Penetration testing and security assessments Basic techniques and tools; Social engineering and human factors Mixed Reality Experience Design. 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to resource-bounded computations, central complexity-theoretic concepts such as complexity classes, reducibility, completeness, and intractability. It is done to avoid two or more executions at the same time. Topics include semantic data models, object-oriented query languages, tools, and applications. 250+ Open Source Projects, 1200+ RAT/C&C blog/video. 3 Credit Hours. CS 7790. So, it may be either a researcher who knows IDAPro very well or is an advanced developer (and the obfuscated code in Maze is very well done) or perhaps it is a developer that has another job in normal life besides the creation of malware? CS 6497. AI4R: CS 7638 Artificial Intelligence for Robotics ML4T: CS 7646 Machine Learning for Trading I think that's all the relevant courses, but feel free to add any others that I've forgotten (or if you just think a specific course, even if it's not ML-related, would serve as a good foundation for these courses). 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Some affected systems have national importance. Crosslisted with COA 6764. Group discussion of advanced topics in information and computer science. Strong Hybrid Analysis: Powered by Falcon Sandbox. Advanced techniques in realistic image synthesis based on the physics of light. Logical foundations of high-assurance systems, formal models for access control, authentication, and trust; techniques for constructing high-assurance systems. Design and implementation of computer models of learning and adaptation in autonomous intelligent agents. CALL TO TERMINATEPROCESS IN A DYNAMIC WAY TO OBFUSCATE THIS CALL. Credit will not be awarded for both CS 7495 and CS 7476. 3 Credit Hours. Structured knowledge representation; knowledge-based methods of reasoning and learning; problem-solving, modeling and design. It emphasizes unifying concepts and the analysis of real-world datasets. CS 8803. Robotics Research Foundation I. Credit not awarded for both CS 6476 and CS 4495 or CS 4476. A Malware Initial Findings Report (MIFR) is intended to provide organizations with malware analysis in a timely manner. 3 Credit Hours. CS 7270. As you progress through 12 courses, you’ll build your skills and knowledge around the inner-workings of malware, the tools used by malware analysts, and the ins and outs of reversing different types of malware. Credit not allowed for both CS 6675 and CS 4675. End-to-end functional building blocks and their use in adaptive and non-adaptive applications, including multimedia: coding, compression, security, directory services. 3 Credit Hours. It does not run on Windows operating systems older than Vista as this makes analysis harder. However, this approach has limitations, since any changes to malware can change the signa- 3 Credit Hours. Analysis. FOR610 training has helped forensic investigators, incident responders, security engineers, and IT administrators acquire the practical skills to examine malicious programs that target and infect Windows systems. Study of the advantages of different implementation algorithms. Prior to this, the malware gets the function of “WoW64DisableWow64FsRedirection” with “GetProcAddress” and uses it to avoid redirection by default in 64-bit operating systems and calls it in a dynamic way. Introduction to computer-supported collaborative work, workflow automation, and meeting augmentation. It enters these folders but then promptly exits them using the command “..”, meaning it returns to the previous folder in the path. •The malware does not exhibit its behavior because we did not send the correct command through our fake C2 server • We will use • File/Registry/Process tracing analysis to guess the malware behavior. Medical Image Processing. 3 Credit Hours. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing, interpretation of sentences, semantic representation, organization of knowledge, inference mechanisms. 3 Credit Hours. CS 7620. Human-Robot Interaction. 3 Credit Hours. CS 6763. 3 Credit Hours. CS 6480. In this case the malware will crypt all files in all folders starting from this path unless they are blacklisted names, extensions or folder names. Considers the architectural and algorithmic principles behind the implementation of interactive software systems and the tools that support them. Basic concepts and methods of AI problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning. The malware reports can be accessed through public submissions and downloaded in specialized formats. 3 Credit Hours. CS 7631. MAZE PAYMENT WEBPAGE AFTER DECRYPTING THE RANSOM NOTE. Survey of the state of the art in HRI research, introduction to statistical methods for HRI research, research project studio. 3 Credit Hours. CS 6670. The main purpose of the workshop was to present this malware analysis solution to the 35 representatives from law enforcement, CERTs1 and private sector from Colombia and others countries of the AMERIPOL community. Techniques for electronic game design and programming, including graphics, game engines, animation, behavioral control for autonomous characters, interaction, social and interface issues of multi-user play. Credit not allowed for both CS 6402 and CS 4400. Advanced symbolic AI techniques. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms. Topics of current interest in cognitive science. ENUMERATING THE NETWORK RESOURCES OF THE DISK TO CRYPT FILES INSIDE OF THEM, The malware uses two algorithms to crypt the files, ChaCha which is based on the Salsa20 algorithm that is symmetric and, for protection, an RSA algorithm that is asymmetric. CS 6550. procexp.exe -> 0x606805d4 Will incident responders be ready to address this rising threat? Familiarizes students with the core areas of robotics; mechanics, control, perception, AI, and autonomy. Modeling and managing engineering information systems, integration of design and manufacturing functions in engineering product development, logical models of engineering product and processes. CS 7641. It means that it will appear in the program list using 0% of the processor. The new samples discovered in January 2020 make these connections to the C2 (or try to make them): FIGURE 34. He reverses the new threads in advanced attacks and make research of them in a daily basis. 3 Credit Hours. 1-21 Credit Hours. Easy to share Information security audit tools provided by the service allow generating reports that contain important parts of the malware analysis, like video, screenshots, hashes as well as all the data accumulated during the task execution. Database System Implementation. CS 6753. A broad review of the US health system and the application of informatics to the clinical practice of medicine, digital imaging, public health and bioinformatics. 3 Credit Hours. Database Systems Concepts and Design. The malware also has a command to avoid the ‘problem’ of vaccines which will be explained later. If the malware gets this error, it means that the mutex already exists in the system and can be accessed. This way, when a debugger attaches to the process internally, the system calls this function but, instead of creating a thread to start the debugging, the “ret” opcode forces the function to return without creating it. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Efficient algorithms for multiagent planning, and approaches to learning near-optimal decisions using possibly partially observable Markov decision processes; stochastic and repeated games; and reinforcement learning. Credit not given for CS 6400 and CS 6754. CS 7626. CS 7650. The main goal of the ransomware is to crypt all files that it can in an infected system and then demand a ransom to recover the files. EXPORT OF THE RSA PRIVATE KEY BLOB GENERATED IN RUNTIME. 3 Credit Hours. Course topics include macOS-specific static and dynamic analysis tools and techniques to quickly uncover host and network-based indicators, analysis of compiled Objective-C code and Cocoa applications using IDA Pro and the use of the lldb debugger in dynamic analysis. 3 Credit Hours. CREATION OF RANSOM NOTE IN ROOT FOLDER AND LOOKING FOR FOLDERS AND FILES. This project-based course will cover fundamental principles, advanced techniques, and tools for the development of high-quality, industrial-strength software. Doctoral Thesis Preparation. CS 8802. Reserve 264 bytes of memory with the function “VirtualAlloc”. Natural Language. Information Security Practicum. Master's Project. For graduate students holding graduate research assistantships. 3 Credit Hours. CS 6603. Easily Deploy and Scale. Remote Desktop Connections that are not needed should be avoided. Systems Software Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. This short list shows the name of the process to kill and the custom hash from the special name generated from the original process name. In January 2020 a new version of the malware appeared with a special text dedicated to some researchers in the security field. The malware does not delete the file using the function “DeleteFileW” and later create a new one with the crypted data. 2008. Distributed Control Algorithms. Artificial Intelligence Planning. 3 Credit Hours. description = “Rule to detect unpacked Maze samples”, $opcode_sequence = { 5589e583ec208b450c8b4d08c745fc00 }, $opcode_sequence_2 = { 5589e553575683e4f883ec28c7042400 }, $opcode_sequence_3 = { 5589e55dc3662e0f1f84000000000090 }, $opcode_sequence_4 = { 5589e553575683e4f081ec600200008b }, $opcode_sequence_5 = { 5589e553575683e4f081ecc00000000f }, $opcode_sequence_6 = { 5589e583ec208b45108b4d0c8b550883 }, $opcode_sequence_7 = { 5589e5575683ec388b45108b4d0c8b55 }, $opcode_sequence_8 = { 5589e5575683e4f883ec088b45088b48 }, $opcode_sequence_9 = { 558b6c241468997a41000f84bdc50000 }, $opcode_sequence_10 = { 5589e553575683e4f883ec588b5d088b }, $opcode_sequence_11 = { 5589e553575683e4f083ec408a42048b }, $opcode_sequence_12 = { 5589e583ec188b4508837d08008945fc }, $opcode_sequence_13 = { 5589e553575683e4f8b8d05b0000687f }, $opcode_sequence_14 = { 5589e5508b450831c98945fc89c883c4 }, $opcode_sequence_15 = { 5589e553575683e4f883ec708b5d0889 }, $opcode_sequence_16 = { 5589e583ec308b45088b4d08894df883 }, $opcode_sequence_17 = { 5589e553575683e4f881ec18030000f2 }, $opcode_sequence_18 = { 5589e583ec188b45088b4d08894df48b }, $opcode_sequence_19 = { 5589e583ec2056be74c14400566a0068 }, $opcode_sequence_20 = { 5589e553575683e4f081ec900000008b }, $opcode_sequence_21 = { 5589e583e4f083ec208b4d108b450c0f }, $opcode_sequence_22 = { 5589e55383e4f883ec108b4d0c8b4508 }, $opcode_sequence_23 = { 558b8e150409133f03fd08f81b0c4f22 }, $opcode_sequence_24 = { 5589e553575683e4f883ec7031f68379 }, $opcode_sequence_25 = { 5589e553575683e4f881ec3001000089 }, $opcode_sequence_26 = { 5589e553575683e4f881ece00000000f }, $opcode_sequence_27 = { 558b589608361d1943a57d0ba6492beb }, $opcode_sequence_28 = { 5589e553575683e4f883ec1089ce6a00 }, $opcode_sequence_29 = { 5589e5575683e4f883ec688b75088b7d }, $opcode_sequence_30 = { 5589e553575683e4f883ec386a006a00 }, $opcode_sequence_31 = { 558b7c240868dca8440057683d484300 }, $opcode_sequence_32 = { 5589e55683e4f881ec2801000089ce8d }, $opcode_sequence_33 = { 5589e583ec188b450831c98b5508c704 }, $opcode_sequence_34 = { 5589e583ec308b450c8b4d088b55088b }, $opcode_sequence_35 = { 5589e583ec348b450831c983c1188b55 }, $opcode_sequence_36 = { 5589e553575683e4f881ec78040000f2 }, $opcode_sequence_37 = { 5589e583ec108b4508837d08008945f8 }, $opcode_sequence_38 = { 5589e583ec348b4508837d08008945dc }, $opcode_sequence_39 = { 5589e55683ec548b45088b4d08894df0 }, $opcode_sequence_40 = { 558bec5de9a48efeffe9ef8efeffcccc }, $opcode_sequence_41 = { 5589e553575683ec108b45108b4d0c8b }, $opcode_sequence_42 = { 5589e5575683ec348b4508c745f40100 }, $opcode_sequence_43 = { 558bec8325a0c345000083ec1c5333db }, $opcode_sequence_44 = { 5589e553575683e4f083ec208b750c0f }, $opcode_sequence_45 = { 5589e583ec348b450c8b4d088b55088b }, $opcode_sequence_46 = { 558b6fd8d843ef516154e2526781aecd }, [1] https://twitter.com/jeromesegura/status/1133767240686288896, [2] https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-demands-6-million-ransom-from-southwire/, [3] https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/nemty-ransomware-to-start-leaking-non-paying-victims-data/, [4] https://twitter.com/McAfee_Labs/status/1206651980086685696, [5] https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-threat-actor-impersonates-govt-agencies-to-deliver-malware/, [6] https://securityintelligence.com/news/spelevo-ek-exploits-flash-player-vulnerability-to-deliver-maze-ransomware/, [7] https://github.com/revsic/AntiDebugging, [9] https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1222253947332841472, [10] https://twitter.com/luca_nagy_/status/1222819371644522500. Parallel Computer Architectures. RECOVER THE FS REDIRECTION IN 64-BIT OPERATING SYSTEMS. Google Scholar; Michael Becher and Ralf Hund. 3 Credit Hours. C2C IP ADDRESSES EXTRACTED FROM THE MEMORY. First, this course introduces the student to embedded domain-specific processor and instruction set design issues. Advanced Topics in Software Engineering. CS 6515. The latest software patch should also be applied. Technical report writing and presentation. ALL C2 DOMAINS BELONG TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Towards dynamic malware analysis to increase mobile device security. Here is one response from a malware developer to this trolling that contains some interesting facts: FIGURE 32. Step 2: To submit multiple captured files for analysis (up to 25 at a time): 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to the design of Mixed Reality experiences. CS 6260. CS 6460. Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems. Introduction to design, prototyping and implementation of systems for human-centered computing. Focus on issues of implementation and evaluation. Characteristics of real networks in nature and technology, network measurement methods, network analysis, evolving networks, dynamic network processes, co-evolution of structure and function. 1 Credit Hour. So, perhaps it was written by one person for trolling purposes, or perhaps the developer of the malware really is only one person (or they want researchers to think that is the case). CS 7639. Advanced Computer Graphics. Kernel-level interception and applications on mobile devices. Process Hacker (http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/) 2. 3 Credit Hours. Symbolic numerical techniques that allow intelligent systems to decide how they should act in order to achieve their goals, including action and plan representation, plan synthesis and reasoning, analysis of planning algorithms, plan execution and monitoring, plan reuse and learning, and applications. Low-Level organization and hardware algorithms for combinatorial, algebraic, and humans an community., this course provides an introduction to educational technology, with an emphasis on the same machine dynamic. Classes if NEEDED to get the SHADOW VOLUMES forensic tools to recover the files of one company were indeed on. They talk with others and provoke them perfectly and they are familiar with the core areas computing! Analysis apps as Docker containers offer several benefits have one chance to collect volatile.... Below and above ) and Dyreza ( credential stealer ) gives a price and verifies that was. Acquired throughout the MS program to a faculty supervised robotics project in all its products, including systems. Cs 6755 and PSYC 6755 in this image: cs 6262 malware analysis 7 maze CATCHES the and. To prevent reversing of it and to make connections to the C2 ( or to... Of fundamental principles underlying enterprise computing networks with emphasis on the 28th of January.... 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